
Thank you for considering enrolling your child at Kinglake West Primary School. 


The Department of Education now has a website where parents can enter their address to check where their closest neighbourhood school is.  Please check www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au, to ensure that you are within our enrolment zone.

As it is a legal requirement that a copy of a child's Birth Certificate and Immunisation History Statement are provided to the school prior to commencement. Please forward these along with the enrolment documents. The Australian Childhood Immunization Register records vaccinations given to children under seven years of age and provides parents/guardians with a statement of their child's recorded immunisations once a child turns 5 years of age.

If you have not received your child's Immunisation History Statement and your child has turned 5 years of age, you can request a copy by calling 1800 653 809, by visiting your local Medicare office or go online at my.gov.au

Enrolments can not be accepted unless relevant paperwork, such as the original Birth certificate and Original Immunisation Certificate is submitted to the school office, copies will be made at school and originals returned.


At Kinglake West Primary School we are committed to supporting a smooth transition for all new students.


Please refer to the Departments Enrolment Policy for more information. 


Enrolment Form 2024

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